Required Postings
New York State Education Law requires school districts to post specific documents related to the operating budget.
ARP-ESSER Application: Part 2 - ARP Act
Budget Narrative ARP-ESSER LEA Base 90% Funds
2018 Comptroller Audit
2018 Comptroller Audit - Corrective Action Plan
2023-2024 Audit - Letter of Communication
2023-2024 Audit - Management Letter
2023-2024 Audit - Extra Classroom Funds
2023-2024 Audit - Extra Classroom Funds Corrective Action Plan
2023-2024 Audit - Financial Statements
2023-2024 Audit - Public Notice
2023-2024 Audit - Single Audit
Budget Narrative ARP-ESSER LEA Base 90% Funds
2018 Comptroller Audit
2018 Comptroller Audit - Corrective Action Plan
2023-2024 Audit - Letter of Communication
2023-2024 Audit - Management Letter
2023-2024 Audit - Extra Classroom Funds
2023-2024 Audit - Extra Classroom Funds Corrective Action Plan
2023-2024 Audit - Financial Statements
2023-2024 Audit - Public Notice
2023-2024 Audit - Single Audit