Rockwell Elementary

Principal | Katelynn Killmore |
Email: | |
Main Office | 315-552-5070 |
Hours | 8:30am - 3:00pm |
Many thanks to the OCS community from Rockwell School and staff who created a district wide initiative to help show kindness to others in our community. Many familes in our district participated! Here are just some of the pictures we received!
Safety and Transportation
To assure all students' safety, we ask you to please observe the following policies and procedures. All doors of the building are locked at all times. Please enter and exit the building at the main entrance. Sign in and out at the main office and wear a visitor's badge while visiting.
Bus Pass Procedures
"The Board of Education is committed to providing safe and efficient transportation for its students, while also exhibiting reasonable flexibility in handling emergencies. It is the District policy to only pick up and discharge at locations within the boundaries of the School District.
All students should be picked up and discharged at a consistent location every day. These locations must be established in September and, unless an emergency situation arises, should be permanent. Each family must notify the school in writing during the summer of their child's drop-off point if it is different from the child's home.
Should it be necessary to change day care or other child supervision arrangements during the school year, parents should send a written notification to the District's Transportation Office and another copy to the school's office. In an emergency situation, parents should contact the school office so that temporary arrangements can be made. Each school building will establish times that non-emergency changes in drop off location need to be submitted.
Any questions may be directed to the school office at Rockwell or Wheeler and the Bus Garage."
This means that:
- Each family can establish a secondary stop at the beginning of the school year (ex. grandparent, daycare, split custody). Changes can be made and bus passes can be written only to the secondary stop. Secondary stops will change only under reasonable, consistent circumstances (change of daycare provider, a move, etc.)
- Bus passes will not be written for students to go home with other students NOT listed as their secondary stop. Parents must arrange to pick up and transport the student if they need to go to a location not listed.
- Exceptions will be made ONLY in the case of an emergency. Emergency bus passes must be approved by the principal.