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Health News


According to New York State Public Health Law, Section 2164,  these are minimum immunizations necessary to enter Onondaga Central School. Please report any subsequent immunizations to the school health office in order to keep your child’s records up to date.

Serologic evidence is acceptable as proof of immunity to: MMR, Hep B, Varicella and Polio (polio antibodies must include all 3 serotypes)



 Students entering the 3rd and 5th grades at Wheeler School will be required to submit proof of a current physical and dental examination within 30 days of  the beginning of the school year. 

All students new to the Onondaga Central School District regardless of grade level are required to submit a current physical examination and dental examination certificate within 30 days of entry.  

Physical examinations are also required for students entering 7th grade in the fall.

Physical exams are valid for a 12 month period.


IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO SCHEDULE A SCHOOL PHYSICAL EXAMINATION, PLEASE CALL Lindsey Yonko AT 315-552-5052 or email her at for more information.


 Below are some common sense approaches from the CDC to help keep your family healthy.

*Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze.  Throw your tissue in the garbage can.

* Wash your hands often with soap and water, especially after you cough or sneeze and before you eat. 

*Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth. This can be a portal of entry for germs.

*Do not share food, eating utensils, waterbottles or drinking glasses.

*Try to avoid contact with people you know to be sick.

*Please keep your child home from school if they are sick and limit contact with others to keep from infecting them.

*May sure you get your FLU SHOT!!!

For more information about the flu, visit the CDC websites below:

Please review the following guidelines to help keep your family protected this flu season. And remember, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure! The flu vaccine is one of the most effective ways of preventing the flu. In addition to your doctor's office, there are many sites in Onondaga County that offer the flu vaccine, including the Onondaga County Health Department.    

                                                             Where can I get my flu shot?

Onondaga County Health Department offers a weekly flu clinic for the public every Wednesday, from 9:00am - 12:00 noon in room 30 (basement level) of the Civic Center. The clinic provides flu vaccine for Onondaga County residents 6 months of age and older, while supplies last. Please call 435-2000 for availability. This is a walk-in clinic, no appointments are necessary. 

The fee for the flu vaccine is based on a sliding fee scale, family income, and family size. The cost for the flu vaccine will range from $0 - $30. Cash, check, Medicaid, and Medicaid managed care are all accepted. Nobody will be turned away from receiving a flu shot due to their inability to pay.

Below is the link to the Onondaga County Health Department. It will provide up to date information about the flu and the Health Department immunization clinics. 



                Why get the flu vaccine? Watch this informative video below and you will get your answer!                                                                    







 The New York State Department of Education requires that scoliosis screening take place for 5th grade girls at Wheeler School.  Notification will be sent to all Wheeler parents/guardians when screening will commence. Look for this information in May of 2019 in your child's backpack. If your child was examined for scoliosis during their physical exam this school year and it was documented by their physician on the physical exam form, they will not need a screening in school. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please feel free to call the Wheeler Health Office at 552-5052.



May is National Bike Safety Month!

The "Bike Safety Sisters"

In May at Wheeler School, we will 'gear up' for another Bike Safety week!  During the of week May 20, 2019 on our morning announcements, we will share valuable information about how to stay safe on your bike, scooter, skateboard and in-line skates. Students will enjoy fun activity sheets, view a bike safety video and look at informational booklets about bike and skateboard safety. The week will come to an end with a special drawing for a bike related prize!

The Traffic Safety Program of the Onondaga County Health Department offers low cost helmets to the public. Helmets can be purchased for $6.00 and $10.00 depending on income and family size.  If there is any question regarding sales or the proper fitting of bike helmets, the Onondaga County Health Department will be happy to answer them! For sales and fitting locations in your area call the Traffic and Safety Program at 435-3280.

Bike helmets are also available through the trauma service at University Hospital. The cost is $10.00 for bike helmets and $15.00 for ski helmets. Head measurements are needed to insure an accurate fit.  For information call University Hospital at 464-4773.

In May of 2009, 124 students at Wheeler School won a free CPSC certified bike helmet donated by the Onondaga County Sheriff and the Onondaga County Health Departments.

In May of 2010, 2 students at Wheeler School won a brand new bike with bike helmet and lock,compliments of the NYS Corrections Officers Union. We also had a visit from the Traffic Safety Program of the Onondaga County Health Department. They came into each classroom to present an important lesson and bike and helmet safety.

In May of 2011, 4 students at Wheeler School won a brand new bike and bike helmet, compliments of the NYS Corrections Officers Union and Wadsworth Mechanical. Thank you so much for supporting this program!!

In May of 2012, 2 students at Wheeler School won a brand new bike and bike helmet compliments of the NYS Corrections Officers Union and Wadsworth Mechanical. We thank them both for supporting this important program year after year!!

In May of 2013, 2 students at Wheeler School won a brand new bike and bike helmet compliments of WADSWORTH MECHANICAL. We thank them again this year for supporting this important program. Congratulations to Colleen Olivier and Carmelo Gonella on winning a new bike and helmet!

In May of 2014, 2 students at Wheeler School won a brand new bike (compliments of WADSWORTH MECHANICAL) and bike helmet (compliments of Mike & Robin Larkin).Congratulations to Kaidyn Trumble and Dominick Mathes on winning a new bike and helmet!

In June of 2015, 2 students at Wheeler School won a brand new skateboard with a helmet, wrist guards, elbow and knee pads. Congratulations to Blaze Dannan and McKenna Smith.

In May of 2016 four Wheeler students won a brand new bike helmet! Congratulations to: Ted Thivierge, Onalyse Gonnella, Jasmine Taylor and Jack Burton. 

In May of 2017 four Wheeler students won a brand new bike helmet!

In May of 2018 two Wheeler students won a brand new kick scooter, helmet, knee and elbow pads! Congratulations!!

In May of 2019 two Wheeler students won a brand new kick scooter, helmet, knee and elbow pads! Congratulations to 4th grader, Logan Hantke and 3rd grader, Teresa Gibson! Thank you to the NYS Corrections Officers Union for your generous donation to purchase the kick scooter sets!!

Remember, it is the law in Onondaga County that all children up to 18 years of age wear a bike helmet. There is no question that wearing a helmet reduces the chance of injury and helps saves lives. Wearing a  bike helmet can reduce the risk of head injury by up to 85%.

Remember our motto: Don't forget to use your head......wear a helmet!

Have a safe, healthy and fun summer!!   





                                                     SUMMER SAFETY!    


                              Here are a few tips to keep you and your family safe this summer!


Safety at the Pool and Beach

Never swim alone (use the buddy system)/Never dunk or push someone in the pool/Look out for other swimmers before jumping into the pool/NEVER dive into shallow water or water you are unsure the depth of (look for depth markers)/Don't swim in water with a strong current or big waves/Make sure a lifeguard is on duty/Never leave children unattended near the water

All Weather Safety

In a tornado or severe thunderstorm, stay inside but away from windows, doors and electrical outlets/Don't talk on the phone or take a shower or bath during a thunderstorm/If you are outside in a thunderstorm find shelter in a building or car right away/Stay away from tall trees, telephone poles or things made of metal/If you are in an open area, seek a valley or ditch. In a forest, find a low area with small trees

Sun Safety

Put on plenty of (at least 15SPF) sunscreen 1/2 hour before you go outside/ Cover up with long sleeves, light colored clothing and a wide brimmed hat/Wear sunglasses to protect your eyes/Reapply sunscreen after swimming

Stay Cool on Hot Days

Take plenty of breaks/Rest in the shade or in air conditioning/Take a cool bath or shower to keep your body from overheating/Dress in light colored, absorbent, loose fitting clothing/Carry a water bottle/Drink even when you don't feel thirsty/Drink plenty of fluids before and after playing on hot days/Stay away from drinks that have caffeine when you are exercising

Bike Safety

Always wear a helmet/Before you get on a bike, check that it is working properly/Only ride a bike that is the right size for you/Ride single file and only one person per bike/Watch for cars coming out of alleys and driveways. Always stop and look left, right and left again before entering the road/Ride on the right side of the road, with traffic/Ride on sidewalks if possible/Watch out for potholes, curbs, parked cars and pedestrians/Obey traffic signs, signals and lane markings/Walk your bike in the crosswalk at busy intersections/Be visible/Avoid riding at night/Do not ride wearing audio headphones

Poison Ivy, Oak or Sumac

Prevention!! Learn to identify poison ivy, oak or sumac and avoid contact with them/Destroy poison ivy and oak growing around your house by removing the plants (wear protective clothing) Do not burn them!/When walking in fields and wooded area, wear long pants, socks and long-sleeved shirts.

Remember this saying- Leaves of three, let them be! 


Keep Foods Safe

Use a cooler when you pack a picnic/Keep hot foods hot and cold foods cold!/Don't leave food that can spoil out of the refrigerator/Never eat food you think may be spoiled/Wash fresh fruits and vegetables in cold water before you eat them/Do not touch barbecue grills or coals, they may be hot/Wash your hands before eating!

Take Safety on the Road

Buckle up every time you get in an automobile/Make sure your seatbelt fits snugly across your lap and hips/Don't take your seatbelt off until the car has stopped and the engine is off/Keep your head and hands inside the vehicle at all times/Ride quietly so you do not distract the driver/Never accept a ride from someone who you do not know or that has been drinking alcohol

Don't 'Monkey' Around with Animals

Stay away from an angry or frightened pets/Never try to take away food or bones from a dog/Don't bother any animal when it is eating or sleeping/Stay away from stray dogs, cats and wild animals/Ask the owner if it is o.k. to pet a dog or cat that you do not know/Play nicely with all pets/Make sure all your pets have their proper vaccinations/Wash your hands after petting an animal

Use Street Smarts!

Never run or play in the street/Stay on the sidewalk when walking/Cross the street only at crosswalks and intersections and follow traffic signals/Look both ways before crossing the street and make sure cars are stopped/NEVER run into the street after a ball without stopping and looking or telling an adult

Play it Safe

Wear proper gear in good condition for all sports/Don't forget helmets, knee and elbow pads, wrist guards, mouth guards and gloves/Don't walk or run too close to swings that are in use/Skate only on safe surfaces/Never jump off a swing until it has stopped/Don't accept dangerous dares/Don't slide down slides head first/Learn the right and safe way to play your sport!

Have a fun and safe summer!





                     Wheeler Year in Review!





                        OCTOBER IS FIRE SAFETY MONTH!

                  For fire prevention tips, click on the following link to the U.S. Fire Administration-FEMA website.


Make sure to have working smoke detectors on every floor of your home. Test smoke detectors in your home every month to make sure they are working properly and change the batteries every 6 months. Learn the sound of your smoke detector. If the alarm goes off, GET OUT OF THE HOUSE FAST! Warn children never to hide from a fire under a bed or in a closet for example. Make sure they do not stop to get a pet or a toy.

Make a fire escape plan with TWO ways out of every room and practice it! Make sure to include a place outside and away from the house where all family members will meet after escaping from the fire.

In a real fire, go to the exit fast! Test the door with the back of you hand. If the door IS hot, fire could be on the other side and you will have to use your other emergency exit. If the door is NOT hot open it slowly. Crawl low under smoke. The air near the floor is cooler, it will be easier to breathe and easier to see. If your clothes catch on fire, stop, drop and roll to put the fire out.

Make sure to report the fire by calling 911, but only AFTER you have gotten outside of the burning building.

                  Don't let your dreams go up in smoke.....practice fire safety




                                 October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month!


Find the new breast cancer screening guidelines from the American Cancer Society:

Check out the link to the American Cancer Society for life saving information on breast cancer screening guidelines.


                                   The Great American Smoke-Out!

In November of 2018, students at Wheeler School learned about the dangers of tobacco use. The posters, books and handouts shown in the Health Office coupled with information about the health hazards of tobacco helped students decide to 'Be Smart and Don't Start'!

Our 'Be Smart Don't Start' program commenced the week of November 26 with the video: "What tobacco does to the Human Body" 

Students had an opportunity to learn about how tobacco advertisements target young people and practice ways to say no!

Each day on our morning announcements we learned new facts about the dangers of tobacco on our health proceeded by the jingle....The No Butts Tango!

For more information on the Great American Smoke-Out and smoking cessation tips, see the American Cancer Society website at:



                                          Using your Senses!   


Vision and hearing screening took place in the Wheeler Health Office! During the month of January, the Health Office offered interesting information on vision, hearing and the rest of the senses. Students were able to study models of the ear and the eye. They were able to take home fun activity sheets like a sensory word search, a vision crossword puzzle, a 'Makes Sense' matching game and a challenging Brain Origami! Students could also make their own set of eye dominoes! If you would like more fun activity sheets on the senses, go to the: 

Neuroscience for Kids website




                                     Children's Dental Health Month Celebration!  

                                                                              February 2019


In February, the students at Wheeler School learned about the importance of dental health. We shared important information on our morning announcements, had fun activity sheets, videos, posters and information about how to brush and floss.  We even had a "Guess Whose Smile" contest! Wheeler students were able to participate by guessing the smiles of 20 Wheeler staff members. Four students with the most correct answers will won a goodie bag filled with everything needed for a healthy smile! For more information about dental health and some fun interactive games visit the ADA Website. And remember, a healthy smile can last a lifetime! 

                                                                   GUESS WHOSE SMILE??



You can visit a another fun website for interesting dental trivia, coloring sheets and activity sheets. 




                            March is PoisonPrevention Month!    

March 2019, Wheeler School will learn important information on how to stay safe from accidental poisoning. We will have daily announcements and a video from the University at Buffalo Poison Prevention Program. This video is fun and informational. It also has a more serious 'babysitters presentation' for our older students. 

We keep many products around the home that can cause poisoning. These include household cleaners, medicines, pest killers, gasoline, paint thinners, plants and beauty products just to name a few. Carbon monoxide is an odorless gas that can also cause poisoning. According to the US Department of Health and Human Services, poisonings happen more often than car accidents or house fires, especially among young children. Approximately one million possible poisonings are reported for children under 6 and about 90% of poisonings occur in the home. 

There are 61 poison centers around the country. If you call Poison Help at 1-800-222-1222, you will be connected to the poison center for your area. These are local experts ready to help with any poisoning emergency or question. They are available 24 hours a day/ 7 days a week!

The motto in our school this week was........If you think it might be poison and you don't know what to do.....


                                                      Call 1-800-222-1222!




Radon is a cancer-causing, radioactive gas. It is caused from the natural decay of uranium in the soil, rock and water.  Radon gas can seep into your home through cracks in solid flooring, walls or other holes in the foundation, causing the air to become contaminated.  Although it is less likely, it can also contaminate your water supply. Radon gas is odorless, tasteless and colorless.The health risk of radon is very real. Exposure to radon increases your risk of developing lung cancer. The Surgeon General has warned that radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer in the United States today. Smoking combined with radon exposure significantly increases this risk.

According to the New York State Department of Health, 37 counties in the state have been designated as ‘high radon risk areas’ by the EPA. Onondaga County is designated as a ‘high radon risk area’.  How do you know if your home has radon? Testing is the only way to know if you or your family is at risk. Test kits are available from the NYS Department of Health, the Onondaga County Health Department and many hardware stores. They are simple to use and are inexpensive. Make sure the test kit you purchase displays “Meets EPA or National Radon Proficiency Requirements” on the package.

If testing results require the necessity of lowering radon levels in your home, use a contractor qualified to fix radon problems. To find a list of contractors skilled in this area, visit or call the NYS Radon Office at 1-800-458-1158 x27556 for additional information.

If you are interested in a free radon test for your home (courtesy of the Onondaga County Health Department) or if you would like information sent to you regarding radon, contact Robin Larkin at Wheeler School at 552-5052. For more information about radon visit the EPA website:                                      


                                                    Carbon Monoxide Poisoning                                              

Cold weather is upon us and it’s time to fire up the furnace or wood stove to keep the winter chill away! Below is important information on how to keep you and your family safe from carbon monoxide poisoning.

Carbon Monoxide is a colorless, odorless, poisonous gas that is produced by the incomplete burning of fuels. This would include gas, oil, kerosene, wood, coal, propane or charcoal. Any equipment that is powered by an internal combustion engine like cars, lawn mowers, generators also produce CO (carbon monoxide).

Carbon Monoxide is dangerous because you cannot see or smell it, and at high levels it can be deadly. The initial symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning may be similar and thus confused with symptoms of the flu (without a fever) or other illnesses. It may include headache, weakness, nausea, dizziness, fatigue or shortness of breat
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Rob Price, Superintendent of Schools
4466 South Onondaga Road | Nedrow, NY 13120
Phone 315.552.5000
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