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Attendance Guidelines

When to keep a child home with illness

The following are a few such situations that warrant keeping your child home from school and consider conferring with your health care provider:

for a fever of 100.0 or more. They must be fever-free (without the use of fever-reducing medication) for a 24 hour period before returning to school.

for any vomiting or diarrhea. They must be without symptoms for a 24 hour period before returning to school.

for a cough accompanied by a fever, a cough that makes your child vomit following a coughing episode or one that is so persistent that it would disrupt the class.

for a sore throat that is accompanied by fever, rash and/or feeling ill.

for honey-crusted sores around the nose or mouth or rash on other body parts that might be impetigo; OR a rash in various stages including boils, sores and bumps; OR a significant rash accompanied by other symptoms of illness such as fever. Consult with your child’s physician to ensure any rash is not contagious prior to sending your child to school.

for a large amount of discolored nasal discharge, especially if accompanied a fever, facial pain or headache.

for severe ear pain or drainage from the ear for eyes that appear bloodshot; are itching; have any discharge or have eyelashes that are matted with secretions when your child awakes. This could be conjunctivitis and it is contagious. Consult with your physician before sending your child back to school.

Remind and show your children to discard used tissues promptly, not to share personal items, to cover their mouths when they cough or sneeze, to keep their hands away from their face, and to wash hands thoroughly and often with soap and warm water. Suggest that they silently sing the Happy Birthday song twice while washing their hands.

Remember to call Deborah Rohe, RN in the Jr-Sr High School Health Office at 552-5056 or e-mail before 08:30 anytime your child is absent from school.

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Rob Price, Superintendent of Schools
4466 South Onondaga Road | Nedrow, NY 13120
Phone 315.552.5000
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