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All Wheeler Clubs meet after school from 2:20 - 3:15, where there is an after school bus to bring students home.  All students must have a note giving permission to stay after school stating how they are getting home.  Fillable Wheeler permission forms can be found on the attachments of this page, or you can send a note to the office or email


Student Council (Grades 3-6)

Student Council at Wheeler School is a representation of the student body and provides services and activities for students and the community that coincide with the values of the Character Education Program and enhance leadership qualities.  Elections for officers are held on an annual basis and monthly meetings are held with elected officers and members as well as faculty representatives.  

Character Club  (Grades 3-6)

Character Club is a collection of some of the most responsible and respected student leaders at Wheeler School.  There is an application process for those interested in becoming members, and when chosen, the participants engage in leadership and team building exercises.  Participants are also expected to participate in fundraising activities and service learning projects for the community.

Drama Club  (Grades 3-6)

The Wheeler Drama Club is a great way to show your dramatic side!  Open to all students, the drama club holds auditions in early winter for their spring production and students rehearse twice a week once the cast is set!  There are two productions for family and friends held at the Jr/Sr High School Auditorium, and even a daytime performance where our friends at Rockwell come over to visit!

Newspaper Club (Grade 6)  

(Grade 6)  Newspaper Club is a place where 6th grade students can showcase their writing, technological and design talents.  Quarterly issues of the "Wheeler News Fuse" are put together by students containing articles covering a wide variety of topics, including current events, book and movie reviews and original creative writing.  The Club meets one day a week in 6 week intervals for writing, planning and printing.

Passport Club (Grades 3-4)

 The goal of Passport Club is to introduce countries and cultures of the world to the students in grades 3 and 4 at Wheeler.  While learning about different countries and cultures, Passport Club will learn (and teach!) foreign languages, history, geographic features, food, holidays, daily life, art and music.  The students in Passport Club will demonstrate how life in other countries is similar and/or different to their own lives through an end of the year presentation open to family and friends.  Passport Club meets once a month.

Running Club (Grades 3-4)

 The goal of Running Club is to promote healthy choices and lifelong wellness for its runners.  The club encourages students to participate in a sport they are already familiar with and teaches them the importance of keeping fit and improving their overall health.  Runners meet once a week for a six-week span in the fall and again in the spring and earn prizes for running distances and being active members!

STEM Club (Grades 5-6)

STEM Club is our newest group that provides the opportunity to explore science and technology to 5th and 6th grade students.  This group will work on exploring all elements of technology, allowing students to work together to answer questions and construct their own experiments to be displayed for the school and community on STEM DAY in the Spring!

Open Library w/ Ms. Kissane (Grades 3-6)

During the cooler and winter months, the library and computer lab will be open after school twice a week, on Tuesdays and Thursdays, for students to check out new books, play games or work on computer projects.

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Rob Price, Superintendent of Schools
4466 South Onondaga Road | Nedrow, NY 13120
Phone 315.552.5000
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