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American Rescue Act Plan

June 2021:

On March 11, 2021, the President signed into law the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARPA). ARPA makes available $122.8 billion nationally in a third round of Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ARP-ESSER) funds, of which USDE must use $800 million to provide homeless children and youth with wrap-around services and assistance to attend school and participate fully in school activities.

• Within 30 days of receipt of funds, LEAs shall develop and make publicly available on the LEA’s website, a plan for the safe return to in-person instruction and continuity of services. Before making the plan publicly available, the LEA shall seek public comment on the plan and take such comments into account in the development of the plan.
• If an LEA has previously developed a plan for the safe return to in-person that meets these requirements, such plan shall be deemed to satisfy the requirements of the Act.

The initial period for Public Comments ended on July 1st, 2021.

June 2022 Update:

Education Law changes contained within the 2022-23 Enacted State Budget require that LEAs (Local Education Agencies) receiving ESSER (Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief) funding from ARPA (American Rescue Plan Act of 2021) post on its website and submit to the NYS Department of Education, an updated plan of how such funds will be expended and how the LEA will prioritize spending on non-recurring expenses as defined by law. This must be done on or before 7/1/2022.  The updated plan must include:
  • An analysis of public comment (ParentSquare survey from 6/8/22 to 6/14/22)
  • Goals and ratios for pupil support
  • Detailed summaries of investments in current year activities
  • Balance of funds spend in priority areas
At the 6/21/2022 Board of Education Meeting, there will be another presentation updated based on the public comment period.  Individuals are encouraged to use ParentSquare during the period for public comment.  Residents of the district who do not have ParentSquare accounts are encouraged to use the attached electronic file to formulate a response prior to contacting a building secretary to submit their response.



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Rob Price, Superintendent of Schools
4466 South Onondaga Road | Nedrow, NY 13120
Phone 315.552.5000
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