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Attendance Guidelines

Please keep your child home if they have any of the following
1.      A fever of 100 degrees or more.  Keep your child home until they are fever free for 24 hours without fever reducing medication.
2.      Vomiting and/or diarrhea: Keep your child home until they have no vomiting or diarrhea for 24 hours.
3.      A bad cough, stuffy or runny nose, or head congestion.  Green or yellow discharge from the nose is almost always a positive sign of infection.
4.      Earaches:  Ear infections can cause permanent hearing damage.  Again, 24 hours at home with no symptoms.
5.      Pinkeye:  This is highly contagious and uncomfortable.  If your child’s eyes are itching and burning, bloodshot, producing a discharge, or if the eyelids are stuck together in the morning when they get up, see your physician.  Don’t send your child back to school until he/she is cleared by your physician.
6.      Sore Throat: Listen to your child when he/she complains…it may be strep throat.
7.      Rashes:  There are so many, for so many different reasons.  Don’t send your child to school unless you know what it is and where it came from, and that it isn’t contagious.  Most rashes are caused by viruses or bacteria and are contagious.
8.      Last, but certainly not least, if you are in doubt, keep your child home. If they have been sick, an extra day of rest and TLC away from other children’s germs may be the difference between total recovery and getting another “bug”.
Remember to call (552-5072) or email me ( each time your child will be absent.
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Rob Price, Superintendent of Schools
4466 South Onondaga Road | Nedrow, NY 13120
Phone 315.552.5000
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