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Procedures and Requirements for Student Enrollment
All persons dwelling within the District who are between the ages of five (5) years and twenty-one (21) years and who have not received a high school diploma shall be entitled to enroll in the District.
Undocumented children, like U.S. citizen children, have the right to attend school full-time as long as they meet the age and residency requirements established by state law.

Onondaga Central School District will enroll students on the school day following a parent’s request (or as soon as practicable); allow parents to submit information concerning their child’s right to attend school within the district; and make an enrollment determination based upon the non-exhaustive list of documentation included below, within three (3) business days of a student’s enrollment.  We must also, however, comply with Public Health Law §2164(7) and may deny entry of a student whose parents have not submitted proof of their child’s immunization.

Proof of Age
After the initial enrollment of a child, the district requires proof of the child’s age.  In accordance with Education Law, where a birth certificate or record of baptism is not available, a passport (including foreign passport) may be used to determine a child's age for purposes of enrollment/registration in school. Should none of these be available, the District may consider certain other documentary or recorded evidence to determine a child's age.
The following are examples of documentation that may be used to establish a student's age. This list is not intended to be exhaustive, nor is it a list of required documentation.
  • School photo ID with date of birth;
  • Hospital or health records;
  • State or other government-issued ID;
  • Military dependent ID card;
  • Native American Tribal document;
  • Record(s) from non-profit international aid agencies and voluntary agencies (VOLAGs);
  • Consulate identification card; and
  • Official driver's license.

Determination of Student Residency
After the initial enrollment of a child, the district requires a parent or person in parental relation to submit evidence establishing their physical presence and the child’s presence in the school district. 

The residence of children dwelling within the District boundaries shall be established in a manner consistent with State Law and the Regulations of the Commissioner. The Board of Education or its designee shall determine whether a child is entitled to attend a District school. Any adverse residency decision by a school official, other than the Board or its designee, shall include written notice to the parent/person in parental relation of the procedures for obtaining review of the decision within the District.

A child's residence is presumed to be that of his/her parents or legal guardians. However, the District may encounter students, particularly from other countries, who reside with persons other than their parents or legal guardians. In order to determine residency in these cases, the District may request information regarding such student's custody to establish residency and to ensure the health, safety and welfare of the child.

Proof of residency - please provide two (2) forms of proof of residency.  One form may be from the secondary list.
  • Primary Proof of Residency: 
  • Residential tax bill; copy of signed purchase agreement for residential real property within the district
  • Residential mortgage agreement/deed; lease/rental agreement
  • Notarized letter from owner of house stating the parent/legal guardian and student(s) are residing with them (must include address of the property and utility bill of owner)
  • Secondary Proof of Residency:  (containing the residential address within the district and with the name of the parent/legal guardian displayed)
  • Bank statement
  • Driver’s license
  • Utility bill or a letter indicating that the service to begin in 30 days at a residential address within the district being billed in the name of the Parent/Legal Guardian. Examples: electricity, telephone, or natural gas/propane)  
  • Social Services correspondence or statement
  • Social Security correspondence or statement
  • U.S Postal Service verification of change of address
  • Federal or NY State income tax documentation with preprinted name and address (i.e. W2 form)
Children Living With Noncustodial Parents
 A child's residence is usually determined by the residence of the custodial parent. However, a noncustodial parent who resides in the District may enroll his/her child in a District school if the child’s time with both parents is equally divided. 
Homeless Children
The parent/person in parental relation to a homeless child; or the homeless child, together with the homeless liaison designated by the School District in the case of an unaccompanied youth; or the director of a residential program for runaway and homeless youth established pursuant to Executive Law Article 19-H, in consultation with the homeless child, where such homeless child is living in such program, may designate either the school district of current location, the school district of origin, or a school district participating in a regional placement plan as the district the homeless child shall attend.  Please note that the proof of residency requirement is waived if students are eligible for services under the McKinney-Vento Act.

McKinney-Vento Liaison and Foster Care Liaison:  Amy Stanton, Social Worker (, 315-552-5020)
Children of Activated Reserve Military Personnel
Students temporarily residing outside the boundaries of the District, due to relocation necessitated by the call to active military duty of the student's parent or person in parental relation, will be allowed to attend the public school that they attended prior to the relocation. However, the District is not required to provide transportation between a temporary residence located outside the District and the school the child attends.
Emancipated Minors
A determination of whether a student is to be designated as an emancipated minor in the Onondaga Central School District will be based on evidence that the student is no longer under custody, control and support of his/her parents/persons in parental relation. To establish emancipation, a minor may submit documentation of his/her means of support, proof of residency and an explanation of the circumstances surrounding the student's emancipation, including a description of the student's relationship with his/her parents/persons in parental relation.
These statements are renewable each school year. If at any time the above information is changed without prompt notification or proven to be false, the parent/person in parental relation and/or student may be subject to legal action.
Children Living With Persons Not Their Parents -- Guardianship or Custody
In accordance with the Family Court Act and Domestic Relations Law, a person possessing a lawful order of guardianship or custody of a minor child who is not the parent of such child may enroll the child in public school in the school district where he/she and the child reside.
Therefore, upon application for enrollment by the guardian or custodian, the District shall enroll such a child for such time as the child resides with the guardian or custodian in the District upon verification that the guardian or custodian possess a lawful order of guardianship or custody for the child and that the guardian or custodian and the child properly reside in the same household within the District.
See affidavit forms below.
Determination That Child is Not Entitled to Attend
Prior to making a final determination as to a child’s entitlement to attend the Onondaga Central School District, the person in parental relation to the child  may submit any information which they believe appropriate concerning the child’s residency or other claim of entitlement to attendance, including status as a homeless child.  A meeting may be scheduled with the Superintendent of Schools to review such information.

If it is determined that the child is not entitled to attend school at the Onondaga Central School District, the Board (or it’s designee) shall, within two (2) business days, provide written notice of such determination to the child’s parent or person in parental relation to the child and such notice shall state:
  • That the child is considered not entitled to attend school in the District because of non-resident status;
  • The specific basis for the determination that the child is not a resident of the district, including a description of the documentary and other evidence upon the determination is based;
  • The date on which the child will be excluded from school; and
  • That the determination may be appealed to the Commissioner of Education, in accordance with Education Law Section 310, within thirty (30) days of the date of the determination, and that the instructions, forms, and procedures for taking such an appeal (including translated versions of the instructions and forms) may be obtained from the Office of Counsel at or  by mail addressed to the Office of Counsel, New York State Education Department, State Education Building, Albany, NY 12234.

Please use the links below to access student registration forms.

If you wish to apply for the free/reduced lunch, please click here to download the application.

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Rob Price, Superintendent of Schools
4466 South Onondaga Road | Nedrow, NY 13120
Phone 315.552.5000
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