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News and Notes

Per Diem Substitute Rate of Pay:  
Certified Instructional Teacher Substitute $140.00 per day
Uncertified Instructional Teacher Substitute $120.00 per day
Teaching Assistant Substitute $115.00 per day


Looking for a good paying part-time job with the same days off as the kids?

We are looking for school bus drivers

If you are at least 21 yrs old, have a driver's license, and like working with kids, we will train you!  

We can get you ready for your road test.

Just stop into the bus garage at 4457 South Onondaga Rd. (right next to the High School) and pick up an application. 

No experience necessary, but it's always appreciated.

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Rob Price, Superintendent of Schools
4466 South Onondaga Road | Nedrow, NY 13120
Phone 315.552.5000
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